Petition Presented to Cambridge County Council

Cambridgeshire County Council required at least 3000 Cambridgeshire residents' signatures to debate the petition as part of a full council meeting. The online petition, along with our paper petition, has surpassed this goal. On 19th July 2016, the Milton Road Residents' Association Chairman presented the petition for discussion to the County Council.

A video of the meeting can be found here

Cambridge 105 Radio podcast interview with Milton Road Residents' Association

Click here to view the online petition

By the end of the meeting the councillors voted in favour of a motion from Councillor Jocelynne Scutt for the following recommendation:

'We want a commitment from the City Deal Assembly and the City Deal Board that if, in the end, construction requires removal of any single one of the trees in Milton Road, then the City Deal monies return to Milton Road mature trees lining Milton Road’s verges making Milton Road the impressive vista it should be, a lead-in to Cambridge of which we – all of us – whether Cambridge City or from the County as a whole can be proud.'

A further motion by Councillor Ian Manning recommending the City Deal to consider other options for Milton Road was rejected by the councillors:

'This council wishes to express its opposition to any plan that will result in the removal of the majority of trees on Milton Road. Further the council believes that measures contained in the City Deal do not represent an efficient or desirable way to tackle congestion and ask that more options be considered in the public consultation.'